The great annual salary should receive mothers who stay at home

Sometimes mothers do not receive the treatment and care they deserve and worse even think of a salary

1.Overworked mom

Mothers work tirelessly for their families. If you were under 18 years, the workload they have would be illegal. If you work in a company, the charge would be CEO, and be workaholics. Mothers are multifaceted and dramatic salary they deserve.
For this reason.

2. Chef: USD $ 27 per hour x 3hrs per day = $ USD 28.470 per year

As a child I thought the breakfast was something you did only. I could barely walk at 7 am, sure nobody could cook for five. Same with my lunch box lunch. I knew my mom was the food, which was very nice of her. It turned out that mom did everything.

3. Driver: USD $ 25 per hour x 4hors per day = $ USD 36,500 a year

I avoid all these routes around 3 pm when school is out of classes and paralyzed the entire block, which devours my heart that hates traffic. As firefighters, moms without thinking going into chaos every morning and every evening. These mothers also have to let go elsewhere AFTER find you, is something that I only realize now. Practice sport, to the house of a friend, paperwork ... and counting.

4. Psychiatrist: USD $ 125 per hour x 1 hour per day = $ USD 45,625
"My teacher hates me, I'll never go to school, NEVER!" "My boss refuses to promote me. I feel trapped in the job, what can I do?!!?!? "Psychiatrists also have problems, but also patiently sit and listen to the problems of others. Does that sound moms family?



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