6 Reasons why God as your dad will always be the love of your life!

God's love is so real that every day you can feel it.

1. Your love is real and disinterested

Your father is the only man in your life who love you without asking anything in return for their entire life. No matter how old you are, you will always be his beloved daughter.

2. All I have ever wanted is the best for you

If you make an account of his anger and scolding you will realize that their only concern throughout his life as a parent is to be happy. You will find good and be with people who love you.

3. Believe in yourself, but not always express

Sometimes parents are hard, but secretly always encourage their daughters. They can never tell you how amazing you are, but your friends know how proud we all are.

4. Was an example of hard work

When you have a father who got up every day to go to work and provide for your family, you know the value of work, through his example. A father of pure love wanted to give all his family will forever be easily purest love you'll meet in life.

5. The priority of a committed father is to improve the living standards of their families

Be sure that my family and I are the "why" of my father. He wants to make sure that we take full and productive lives. Want to remove any upside potential that we could have and make sure we have a happy life.


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